Thursday, January 19, 2012


I created this blog for my EDCI 5130 course, and I am excited to see it become a learning tool. I hope everyone enjoys our class and this group-learning-through-blogging project! I look forward to reflecting on our studies throughout the semester.


  1. Hi Amber, How long have you been a TA with Ashford? I got my BA with their online program. How did you get the job? I'm interested in doing online teaching someday so I'd appreciate any info you have that might be helpful to that end. Marianne

  2. Hi Marianne! I've been a TA since Spring of 2010. You should be able to find the online application through their website. It took several months between my interview and completing training before I was placed in my first course. I actually stumbled across the position on yahoo's hotjobs site. I'm glad to meet you; it's a small world!
